Learning to Let Go of Resistance and Attachments

August 29th, 2010 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Uncategorized

The Law of Sobriety: Attracting Positive Energy for a Powerful Recovery\” You TubeThis morning I had to re-read the chapter in my book “Learning to Let Go of Resistance and Attachments.”  My book, “The Law of Sobriety: Attracting Positive Energy for a Powerful Recovery” comes out this Wednesday, September 1, 2010.  I have bitten every one of my nails as I anxiously await the day. This has been a work in progress for over a year when I started writing the proposal, and really two and a half years ago when I landed on the radio with Dr. Drew Pinsky, and I suppose even longer than that, when I entered my first AA meeting.  All of these experiences has brought me to the launching of my very own book about healing addictions.

Through this process, I have gone through many goals, one of which is just wanting to help people heal as they go through the process of getting sober.   Then the goals morphed into writing a book that I could be proud of and gain some success at the same time.  When I think of success, I also think of my “ego” getting in the way.  I also think of getting attached to the results of this endeavor. 

In my book I write, “When you live with the Law of Sobriety as your guidepost, you are able to deal with whatever is in front of you because you are not attached to having things turn out exactly as you imagined them.”  This week I must confess I have been attached to having things turn out a certain way starting with expecting those around me who have been part of the process to do things “my way.”  When you write a book there are many people involved in the process of getting the book out into the reader’s hands, and unfortunately sometimes their vision and way of doing things does not always match with the author’s.  That has been the case at times and especially this week.  I am having lots of feelings that range from excitement that this is one of the biggest weeks of my career to self doubt that I will be disappointed with what may transpire this week.  I keep forgetting that September 1, 2010 is only one day and that this book will be around for a very long time.   

Finally, when I wrote, “When you let go of the way you believe things are supposed to be, you free yourself from negativity….the perpetual disappointment, doubt, and frustration that come when things don’t turn out as you thought they would,” I realize that is where I need to shift my focus starting right now.  I am only feeling self-doubt because my expectations of people, places, and things are off the chart.  I can only control my actions and no one else’s, and really in the end, it is god’s will, not mine, that is in charge.  I am so glad I chose to read this excerpt today so I can free myself and surrender once again to my higher power, who I know, always has my best interest.

Sherry Gaba, LCSW, is a Psychotherapist and Life Coach in private practice and for Celebrity Rehab on VH1.  Sherry is a frequent contributor to anthologies, blogs, and newsletters, and is a sought after speaker.  Visit Sherry at www.sgabatherapy.com for information about life-coaching programs, teleseminars, and webinars, and read her blogs at Counselor Magazine.com and The Law of Sobriety Blog at HCI.

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