Could You Be A Sex Addict?

December 16th, 2011 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Addiction | Addiction Discussions | Celebrity Rehab | Sex Addiction

Could You Be A Sex Addict?
Most people have times in their life when they are very sexual in their behavior. This is often at the beginning of a relationship and, despite good intentions; this behavior tends to decrease as the relationship matures. Being intimate more than usual or thinking more frequently about sex is not in itself a sign of a sexual addiction; in fact it is a normal part of human sexuality and the desire to be intimate with a partner. Sex becomes problematic if thoughts and actions cross the line from normal behavior that can be controlled and appropriate to behavior this out of control and inappropriate. Sex addicts are people, men and women and even teens that begin to act compulsively or think obsessively about sex. This may include physical stimulation such as masturbation or it may include viewing pornography online, phone sex or engaging in high risk or illegal sexual activities.
Generally sex addicts understand that their behavior is abnormal and socially unacceptable and they strive to hide or cover up the behavior. In addition sex addiction will include:
• A negative impact by the addiction on the ability of the individual to lead a normal, productive and positive life.
• An escalation in the behavior over time.
• Increasing risk to self and others including health risks and negative consequences for the behavior.
Sex addicts will continue to engage in the sexual behavior even if they know that they are putting themselves at risk of disease or injury or even if they know that they are ruining their chances to continue on in a relationship with their current partner or spouse. Typically sex addicts have multiple partners in multiple relationships, but the relationships are not designed around anything other than sex itself.
People that think that they may have a sexual addiction can get help. Speaking to an addiction therapist or counselor can help determine if the behavior is an addiction and how to move forward and into recovery.

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