Is The Law Of Attraction In Play For An Addict?

June 19th, 2017 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Uncategorized

happiness-826932_960_720It is common to hear addicts talk about themselves as if they were different than other people. They have often gone through so much and felt dehumanized so many times that seeing things work for other people is like watching a foreign film, they can’t understand the message and they don’t get the plot.

In my book “The Law of Sobriety”, I discuss how important it is for addicts to see themselves as any other person. Learning how to tap into the Law of Attraction and using the energy provided to us by the Universe can be used for healing addictions and developing a positive message to send forth to the world around us.

The Problem

A very big problem is the inability of the addict to see the damage the addiction has caused. As with any type of healing process, there has to be an acknowledgment of an illness before the treatment seems logical. Additionally, active steps have to be taken to change thinking, behaviors, and habits to allow for a successful recovery.

Too many times people with addictions misunderstand how the Law of Attraction works. It is not just simply wishing for things; it is creating intentional choices to remove the source of the addiction from your life on a daily basis. It is not just a once a week practice to check off on a list of things to do; it is an approach to life that is a guiding  philosophy to direct our energy and that of the Universe around us to help us to achieve our goals.

At the same time, we are actively working to achieve those goals. It will never be effective to simply think about not drinking and then go the bar with your friends. Instead, you will need to have purpose and intention in finding other activities that don’t involve the use of alcohol, drugs or any other addictive substance.

The Reward

The reward in using your energy to change behaviors while having purpose and intention in your life is truly inspiring. You will find opportunities are presented that weren’t there before. You will gain strength in getting through an increasing number of days without using, which puts you on the path to lifelong addiction recovery.

Sherry Gaba, LCSW, Radio Host, Certified Transformation Coach and author of  the award winning book, The Law of Sobriety:Attracting Positive Energy for a Powerful Recovery and Ecourse [email protected].  Find out if you are #codependent. Take my quiz. 30 minute strategy session with Sherry

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