Working on Celebrity Rehab Alligns with my Values

November 14th, 2010 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Addiction | Addiction Discussions | Alcohol Addiction | Celebrity Rehab - (Comments Off on Working on Celebrity Rehab Alligns with my Values)

Now that Celebrity Rehab 4 is going to be airing, I notice I have butterflies in my stomach.  That familiar feeling that are people going to be judging me again for my work on Celebrity Rehab.  No one can judge me more than I sometimes judge myself for many things, but not this.  I totally …
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Fame and Fortune Doesn’t Guarantee Anything When You are an Addict or Alcoholic

November 11th, 2010 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Addiction | Addiction Discussions | Alcohol Addiction | Celebrity Rehab - (Comments Off on Fame and Fortune Doesn’t Guarantee Anything When You are an Addict or Alcoholic)

I spent my summer filming Celebrity Rehab 4 with Dr. Drew Pinsky and a host of professionals I respect very much–plus a cast of very courageous people who were willing to expose to the world the pain of their addiction and their passage to sobriety. The new season airs on VH1 starting December 1, and …
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Present Perfect

September 17th, 2010 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction | Drug Addiction - (Comments Off on Present Perfect)

Are you living in the present? You might be tempted to ask, “When else would I be living?” But the truth is, we spend most of our time living in the past or the future. We’re either stewing about something that happened or worring about something that might happen. We’re anywhere but right here, right …
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Lately I have noticed a theme amongst teenagers as to one of the reasons they are using and abusing drugs and/or alcohol.  They tell me they are “bored.”   As someone growing up in the seventies,  there were no video games, cell phones, texting, emailing, or computers and the internet.  In other words, there wasn’t the instant gratification that …
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Why Don’t We Embrace Change?

August 14th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Addiction Discussions | Alcohol Addiction - (Comments Off on Why Don’t We Embrace Change?)

Recently, I read an impressive summation of the past 40 years of alcohol treatment research in Alcohol Research & Health. It notes a raft of advances made in alcoholism treatment as well as new and fresh paradigms to understand alcohol dependence. The article is well worth the time to read.* I was, however, stuck by …
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Good Clinical Questions Receive Quality Answers

May 6th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction - (Comments Off on Good Clinical Questions Receive Quality Answers)

Many people in our field will try to convince you that you need the most modern research data, more experience, or the latest greatest treatment to help your clients. While they certainly help, all have limits. Limits? Yes, for example, research as it is most often conducted gives you good information on groups. The results …
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On Friday evening, “20/20” co-anchor Elizabeth Vargas reported on mothers who are struggling to stay alive from their addictions in a documentary entitled, “Mothers Little Helper”. She profiles stories of four courageous women from across the country who shares their painful but honest struggles with their addictions. Viewers take a rare look inside the homes …
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As addicts and alcoholics, you all understand you have no room for un-resolved anger in your recovery program. On the other side of anger is resentment or a feeling that some injustice has been done to you. Something or someone is irritating you or it is “just not fair.” Don’t you wish you could just …
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Really Big Questions

April 1st, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction - (Comments Off on Really Big Questions)

A fellow named Mike Gazzaniga recently remarked that he and other cognitive neuro-scientists have pressed themselves to ask really big questions of their field. For example, they asked themselves about the very nature of consciousness. How it works? How does the brain produce such a phenomena? Where is it located exactly in our brain? The …
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