Does Malibu Rehab Work?

March 20th, 2010 | Posted by Sherry Gaba in Addiction - (4 Comments)

Although I am not necessarily an expert in this area, I have worked at several Malibu Rehabs for the last four years and my answer is a resounding yes, if you are ready and want to get sober. With that being said, so do other rehabs that don’t have lavish chefs, $50,000 price tags and …
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As I watched the Academy Awards last night, I couldn’t help but wonder is this an addiction?  Every year we have an Academy Awards party. Every year all the guests bring the same food: crab dip, meatballs, chili, hot-dogs, chicken wings and the list goes on.  When the show begins, my mom shouts, “Everyone be …
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I have noticed, as it is getting closer to my appearance on Celebrity Rehab 3’s VH1 Vlog, I am feeling excited and ambivalent at the same time.  I am asking myself what does that mean?  Am I feeling this way because I wonder how my appearance will rate with my colleagues (other professionals in the …
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Groundbreaking scientific discoveries about the brain continue to revolutionize our understanding of alcohol and drug addiction, and improve our ability to prevent and treat addiction. Today, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines addiction as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. Repeated drug …
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