Author Archives: Michael Taleff

A Sense of Place in This World

February 25th, 2011 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Addiction Discussions - (1 Comments)

Finding your “place” is intended as an exclusive singular journey.
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Recovery as an Adventure

January 2nd, 2011 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction - (1 Comments)

Why are addiction treatment plans and videos so dull?
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Simple Cause Bias

October 21st, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction - (1 Comments)

Short sighted thinking will create short sighted treatment.
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Absolute certainty comes with baggage. Bad baggage.
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Why Don’t We Embrace Change?

August 14th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Addiction Discussions | Alcohol Addiction - (Comments Off on Why Don’t We Embrace Change?)

Recently, I read an impressive summation of the past 40 years of alcohol treatment research in Alcohol Research & Health. It notes a raft of advances made in alcoholism treatment as well as new and fresh paradigms to understand alcohol dependence. The article is well worth the time to read.* I was, however, stuck by …
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July 18th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Addiction Discussions - (1 Comments)

Conflicts have always existed in our field. That’s not a bad thing. If handed well, the conflicts are resolved and growth results. But, what does it mean to “handle well?” It means asking good questions, that generate good theories, followed by good research, plus clear solid arguments that support the theories. From all that research …
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Ideas – When To Reject Them

June 19th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction Discussions - (Comments Off on Ideas – When To Reject Them)

Our field is full with ideas on how one should best conduct the process of recovering, or how best to understand the very essence of addiction. Humans have a talent to create ideas, but are cursed with an inability to shed them when their prime has passed. One such addiction treatment idea that needs abandoning …
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While writing a recent Research to Practice column, I reviewed a meta-analysis of positive addiction treatment outcome indicators that was related to a client’s self-efficacy and motivation. The analysis found that if either of those variables improved then the client would do better in treatment, regardless of the treatment model used. Once counselors understand the …
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Good Clinical Questions Receive Quality Answers

May 6th, 2010 | Posted by Michael Taleff in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction - (Comments Off on Good Clinical Questions Receive Quality Answers)

Many people in our field will try to convince you that you need the most modern research data, more experience, or the latest greatest treatment to help your clients. While they certainly help, all have limits. Limits? Yes, for example, research as it is most often conducted gives you good information on groups. The results …
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