The Dawning of Spring: New Life, Hard Choices

March 3rd, 2014 | Posted by Tom Greaney in Abuse | Addiction | Weekly Reflections & Guidance - (Comments Off on The Dawning of Spring: New Life, Hard Choices)

The longer I’ve lived the more clear it has become that life calls us to make hard choices. The key for me has been to be blessed with the recognition of an issue, whether minor or monumental, that calls for my attention and the subsequent courage to react to it with an appropriate, healthy response. …
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Conversations with a Higher Power – January

January 30th, 2014 | Posted by Tom Greaney in Addiction | Relationships | Weekly Reflections & Guidance - (Comments Off on Conversations with a Higher Power – January)

“Dear Higher Power, I come to you seeking help.” With that simple sentence and heartfelt sentiment I, a self-identified recovering Roman Catholic, made a dramatic surrender and concerted effort to connect with my Higher Power. In Twelve Step recovery this is expressed in Step Eleven, “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact …
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