Things are getting tough for Leif Garrett on Celebrity Rehab. During family day, his mom was so loving and supportive. She said she’d do anything to help him stay sober. But when she said that, Dr. Drew pointed out that bailing him out of jail would not help him—it would only make things worse by enabling …
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Post-Traumatic Stress Last week on Celebrity Rehab, you saw me have a very intense session with Janice Dickinson. (You can see a short clip at Janice is coming unraveled, and very small things are setting her off in a big way. What’s going on here? Janice was subjected to terrible neglect and physical, sexual …
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As I watched the Academy Awards last night, I couldn’t help but wonder is this an addiction?  Every year we have an Academy Awards party. Every year all the guests bring the same food: crab dip, meatballs, chili, hot-dogs, chicken wings and the list goes on.  When the show begins, my mom shouts, “Everyone be …
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