For Mother’s Day, Consider This: Is Your Mother Driving You To Drink?

May 12th, 2017 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction | Parenting | Relationships | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on For Mother’s Day, Consider This: Is Your Mother Driving You To Drink?)

All holidays are stressful. It’s either the good stress of trying to do all you have planned for those you love or the dread you feel about again being in certain family situations that you felt you “escaped” as an adult. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two. As complicated as family gatherings are, …
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Back to School: Your Daughter, Drugs, and Girly Thoughts

September 8th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Adolescents | Adolescents' Issues | Girly Thoughts | Parenting | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Back to School: Your Daughter, Drugs, and Girly Thoughts)

                    Image source:   Yes, it is back-to-school time. You and your daughter have worked to get her ready. She has pushed you to buy her the latest fashions so she will fit in; you’ve bought her school supplies and paid for her haircut. Maybe you …
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