For Mother’s Day, Consider This: Is Your Mother Driving You To Drink?

May 12th, 2017 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Addiction | Alcohol Addiction | Parenting | Relationships | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on For Mother’s Day, Consider This: Is Your Mother Driving You To Drink?)

All holidays are stressful. It’s either the good stress of trying to do all you have planned for those you love or the dread you feel about again being in certain family situations that you felt you “escaped” as an adult. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two. As complicated as family gatherings are, …
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Celebrate Your Mother’s Strength—Not Her Girly Thoughts

May 8th, 2016 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Body Image | Girly Thoughts | Parenting | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Celebrate Your Mother’s Strength—Not Her Girly Thoughts)

Sometimes it is difficult to see what is before your eyes. You may not notice what is obvious: Both you and your mother have many strengths. You may be too conditioned by your girly thoughts to appreciate your mom’s resilience, her ability to bounce back from adversity. But who was your first influence in developing …
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Our Mother, on Mother’s Day: Honoring Our First Model for Our Resilience

May 10th, 2013 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on Our Mother, on Mother’s Day: Honoring Our First Model for Our Resilience)

We all come to the celebration of Mother’s Day with a long history of being a daughter, profoundly influenced for better, or worst, by our mothers.  For some, the notion of honoring our mother on Mother’s Day brings about a mix of emotions. Into this emotionally charged day full of obligations, memories, some sweet, others …
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