“Don’t Be So Bossy!” – Have You Internalized Early Girly Thoughts?

March 14th, 2014 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Adolescents | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on “Don’t Be So Bossy!” – Have You Internalized Early Girly Thoughts?)

As a young girl, you received many messages about who you were and how you should act. Some of these messages may have been very subtle, such as the looks you received when you reached for an extra piece of cake. Those glares told you loud and clear that you were not doing what was …
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What Are Girly Thoughts? Your daughter is a girl, so isn’t she supposed to be thinking thoughts like a girl?  Yes, but not these thoughts.  Girly thoughts is the subtle conditioning that begins in girlhood and continues throughout life that results in women feeling less than. These are the thoughts that tell us how we …
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Using Your Resilience When the Holidays Threaten to Be Not So Happy

December 6th, 2013 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Relationships - (Comments Off on Using Your Resilience When the Holidays Threaten to Be Not So Happy)

It’s the holidays . . . so be happy Isn’t that what all the songs, the stories, the TV specials tell us? Happy is even the first or second sentiment of all of the messages we receive on everything from our postage stamps to the music in elevators: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Eid Greetings, Happy …
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When Your Girly Thoughts Hit You in the Face

December 3rd, 2013 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Women's Issues - (Comments Off on When Your Girly Thoughts Hit You in the Face)

I recently gave a luncheon talk to almost 300 business leaders. I was excited. But as many talks are, it was arranged months in advance, and a personal medical concern arose that resulted in some minor surgery and a bandage on my face just in time for this major event. Now I could have entered …
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Hearing Our Own Voice – When Faced With Being Blamed for Violence We’ve Experienced

February 12th, 2013 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on Hearing Our Own Voice – When Faced With Being Blamed for Violence We’ve Experienced)

Our past trauma can be triggered in a variety of ways. Just after The Feast of the Epiphany (January 6), a patient brought in an article sent to her by a friend in California; and she was triggered.   The article concerned a priest who actually blamed women for abuse they experienced at the hands of …
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Binge Drinking – Taking Away Your Own Power

February 11th, 2013 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Uncategorized - (Comments Off on Binge Drinking – Taking Away Your Own Power)

Binge Drinking – Taking Away Your Own Power By Patricia O’Gorman, Ph.D. Author of The Resilient Woman:  Mastering the 7 Steps to Personal Power (publication date 3.5.13)  Most women read “Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States and is a risk factor for many health and societal …
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