What Do We Mean by Relationship Trauma?

May 30th, 2014 | Posted by Tian Dayton in ACoA | Addiction & Recovery | Adolescents | Adolescents' Issues | Family Issues | PTSD | Relationships | Trauma - (Comments Off on What Do We Mean by Relationship Trauma?)

(Note, continued training along with streaming video available on “The Workshop” on the www.tiandayton.com membership site) Relationship trauma is the kind of emotional and psychological trauma that occurs within the context of relationships. We are biologically wired to seek close and ongoing connection. It’s nature’s way of insuring that parents stay committed enough to children …
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High-End Deprivation, the Dark Side of Wealth

February 27th, 2014 | Posted by Tian Dayton in ACoA | Addiction | Adolescents | PTSD | Relationships | Shopping Addiction | Wealth Addiction - (Comments Off on High-End Deprivation, the Dark Side of Wealth)

Understanding Children of Wealth It is no social secret that having wealth can provide a person with status, power, and open the doors to acquiring education and polish.  If the rest of a person is attended to by maintaining healthy moral and personal values the wealthy person will generally have a strong enough inner world …
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