What Do We Mean by Relationship Trauma?

May 30th, 2014 | Posted by Tian Dayton in ACoA | Addiction & Recovery | Adolescents | Adolescents' Issues | Family Issues | PTSD | Relationships | Trauma - (Comments Off on What Do We Mean by Relationship Trauma?)

(Note, continued training along with streaming video available on “The Workshop” on the www.tiandayton.com membership site) Relationship trauma is the kind of emotional and psychological trauma that occurs within the context of relationships. We are biologically wired to seek close and ongoing connection. It’s nature’s way of insuring that parents stay committed enough to children …
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Feeling Floor Check: Tools of the Trade

May 22nd, 2013 | Posted by Tian Dayton in Addiction | Trauma - (Comments Off on Feeling Floor Check: Tools of the Trade)

The Feeling Floor Check is one of my most popular exercises. I created it about fifteen or twenty years ago when managed care took over and at that time clinicians in our area were being given groups of thirty and told to provide them with a therapeutic experience. I adapted the concept of locogram and …
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