The EnerQi Connection

October 5th, 2013 | Posted by Sheri Laine in Integrative Living

The EnerQi Connection

We have a saying in Chinese Medicine; The mind leads the Qi (life force).
Your mind is the master, your Qi is the servant.
By simply shifting your thoughts, the body’s energetic frequency is elevated to much higher levels of health, happiness, and mental clarity.
Qi courses through our bodies much like water flows down a river. Your emotions – negative or positive – direct your Qi along the meridians of your body.
Within each and every moment, no matter what is going on around you or in the world, the opportunity exists to be in alignment with positive and powerful thoughts, actions and deeds.
A daily practice of thinking and using only empowering words will keep you attune to your goals, and will create more fun, EnerQi and joy for yourself and for those around you.
Whenever you think or speak in a negative or disparaging way, quickly reframe your thoughts and words.
The more you put this practice into use, the easier it becomes to train your mind, your words, your actions and reactions. With these ideas is mind right now, you are creating a more powerful and healthy life.

Sheri Laine L.Ac, Diplomate of Ac.

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Sheri Laine, LAc, Diplomate AC is an author, teacher and lecturer. She is a California state and nationally certified acupuncturist/herbologist licensed in Oriental medicine. Sheri has been the Director of Eastern Medical Arts in the San Diego area for over 25 years. Sheri writes a regular column for Counselor The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, and in addition to teaching speaks throughout the country about the benefits of integrative living and how to achieve a balanced lifestyle. Sheri's latest book, Living the EnerQi Connection, will be publishing in December.

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