Author Archives: Sheri Laine

About Sheri Laine

Sheri Laine, LAc, Diplomate AC is an author, teacher and lecturer. She is a California state and nationally certified acupuncturist/herbologist licensed in Oriental medicine. Sheri has been the Director of Eastern Medical Arts in the San Diego area for over 25 years. Sheri writes a regular column for Counselor The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, and in addition to teaching speaks throughout the country about the benefits of integrative living and how to achieve a balanced lifestyle. Sheri's latest book, Living the EnerQi Connection, will be publishing in December.

Revitalize your QI – (pronounce, CHEE)

December 8th, 2014 | Posted by Sheri Laine in EnerQi Connection | Health & Wellness | Integrative Living - (Comments Off on Revitalize your QI – (pronounce, CHEE))

Daily care of your Qi is vital for well-being and happiness. Qi is our life force, or vital energy, the electromagnetic vibration that circulates in and around each of us. This energy system carries our physical, mental, and spiritual power within it. Our Qi in energetically charged with daily movement. Make sure you are intentionally …
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Your mind leads your Qi

August 8th, 2014 | Posted by Sheri Laine in EnerQi Connection | Integrative Living - (Comments Off on Your mind leads your Qi)

Life can be, like a roller coaster ride; Up one day, down the next. Act from your inner center. Whether things go well for you or ill, reflect: All things must change.   As you learn to execute control of your mind and emotions, you will begin to understand that nothing in the universe remains …
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Intimate Conversations from the Treatment Room

July 29th, 2014 | Posted by Sheri Laine in Integrative Living | Therapy | Treatment Room - (Comments Off on Intimate Conversations from the Treatment Room)

Summer days can be so VERY humid, sticky and hot. My patient “B” had the worst breakout on her face after wearing make up on one such day. She usually can’t use anything but the gentlest of hypoallergenic products on her skin. Her schedule was very full, and she was unable to get an appointment …
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The EnerQi Connection

October 5th, 2013 | Posted by Sheri Laine in Integrative Living - (Comments Off on The EnerQi Connection)

The EnerQi Connection We have a saying in Chinese Medicine; The mind leads the Qi (life force). Your mind is the master, your Qi is the servant. By simply shifting your thoughts, the body’s energetic frequency is elevated to much higher levels of health, happiness, and mental clarity. Qi courses through our bodies much like …
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Living Namaste

September 4th, 2013 | Posted by Sheri Laine in Integrative Living - (Comments Off on Living Namaste)

Living Namaste   The definition literally means ‘I bow to you’.   In yoga, Namaste is said at the end of class after the rest period (savasana) before leaving the room as a salutation of awareness – awareness of one’s divine essence. I recognize the divine essence within you. Several mornings a week, I walk …
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