Revitalize your QI – (pronounce, CHEE)

December 8th, 2014 | Posted by Sheri Laine in EnerQi Connection | Health & Wellness | Integrative Living

Daily care of your Qi is vital for well-being and happiness.

Qi is our life force, or vital energy, the electromagnetic vibration that circulates in and around each of us. This energy system carries our physical, mental, and spiritual power within it. Our Qi in energetically charged with daily movement.

Make sure you are intentionally exercising five times a week — no matter what  — for at least 25-60 minutes.


Here’s a tip:

Think about exercise the way you think about your job.

Most of us go to work five days a week. It’s just what we do.

For the most part we don’t make excuses about being too busy, too tired, or not in the mood. Even if all of that is true, we show up because we have to.

When you think about exercise the same way you think about going to work and making money, it becomes a non-negotiable.

It’s your job to keep your body healthy and fit.  There are so many challenging, fun exercise options available – indoors or outdoors – from which to choose an activity that works for you.  Rotate your activity and cardiovascular routine, so you work and move all muscle groups. If your day is busy find time before work, during lunch or after work.

As you participate in a regular exercise program, you will feel better physically, sexually, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

With exercise, endorphins in the brain release the “ feel good hormones “. These hormones make us feel energized, calm, happy, relaxed, and sexually vital.

Don’t delay start today — make caring for yourself and your Qi a “want to”, not a “have to”!


Sheri Laine is the author of the upcoming book Living the EnerQi Connection.

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Sheri Laine, LAc, Diplomate AC is an author, teacher and lecturer. She is a California state and nationally certified acupuncturist/herbologist licensed in Oriental medicine. Sheri has been the Director of Eastern Medical Arts in the San Diego area for over 25 years. Sheri writes a regular column for Counselor The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, and in addition to teaching speaks throughout the country about the benefits of integrative living and how to achieve a balanced lifestyle. Sheri's latest book, Living the EnerQi Connection, will be publishing in December.

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