Giving Up Sex for Lent

April 3rd, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Body Image | Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Sexuality | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Giving Up Sex for Lent)

I was in my local health food store when I saw a neighbor and we began chatting. When she asked what I was up to, I told her about my recent blog on giving up a girly thought for Lent—you remember, the one where I suggested you give up one girly thought for Lent.   …
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You, Me, & Monica Lewinsky: Four Ways You Can Correct Your Story

March 27th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Relationships | Therapy | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on You, Me, & Monica Lewinsky: Four Ways You Can Correct Your Story)

If you don’t know yet, Monica Lewinsky has gone public with a Ted Talk. It is well worth seeing because she does what I’ve been inviting you to do:   Stop listening to your girly thoughts; that toxic inner dialogue that blames you for anything that goes wrong in your life.     Monica’s Courage   …
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Giving Up a Girly Thought for Lent

March 20th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Therapy | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Giving Up a Girly Thought for Lent)

“Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” —Pope Francis     Whether you are Christian or not, or devout or not, you are probably aware that we have entered Lent, a season of spiritual growth and self-examination, which often includes fasting and a tradition of giving something up (even though …
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Detoxing from Valentine’s Day

February 20th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Body Image | Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Relationships | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Detoxing from Valentine’s Day)

He loves me, he loves me not? The bigger question is: Why do I care so much?   Well the BIG Day—Valentine’s Day—has come and gone. This day of tension, caused by the painful and anxious feelings produced by your girly thoughts telling you that your lovability is going to be demonstrated by what your …
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Enjoying Your Light by Not Listening to Your Girly Thoughts on Valentine’s Day

February 12th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Body Image | Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Relationships | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on Enjoying Your Light by Not Listening to Your Girly Thoughts on Valentine’s Day)

There is a crack in everything . . . that’s how the light gets in. —Leonard Cohen   There is something about a holiday—and Valentine’s Day in particular—that makes us focus even more than usual on what we see as our faults. It must be the connection between our powerful, emotional needs for love and the …
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How to Know if Your Girly Thoughts Are Holding You Back at Work: 6 Easy Steps

February 9th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Women's Issues | Workplace Issues - (Comments Off on How to Know if Your Girly Thoughts Are Holding You Back at Work: 6 Easy Steps)

When you hold yourself back, when you don’t assert the power of your position, share your information, offer your opinion, there is a price to be paid—and it is either paid in real time with negative consequences or paid down the line in a failure to really succeed.       Are You Holding Yourself …
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A New You in the New Year—Free from Girly Thoughts

February 6th, 2015 | Posted by Patricia O'Gorman, PhD in Body Image | Girly Thoughts | Health & Wellness | Women's Issues - (Comments Off on A New You in the New Year—Free from Girly Thoughts)

Above all, be the heroine in your own life. —Nora Ephron   You’re well into the New Year, and your resolutions probably included losing a few of those holiday pounds, right? If you’re like most of us, that particular resolution is a real stumbling block, and failing to realize it is an incredible stressor.   …
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Revitalize your QI – (pronounce, CHEE)

December 8th, 2014 | Posted by Sheri Laine in EnerQi Connection | Health & Wellness | Integrative Living - (Comments Off on Revitalize your QI – (pronounce, CHEE))

Daily care of your Qi is vital for well-being and happiness. Qi is our life force, or vital energy, the electromagnetic vibration that circulates in and around each of us. This energy system carries our physical, mental, and spiritual power within it. Our Qi in energetically charged with daily movement. Make sure you are intentionally …
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